My camera got here yesterday! This was a complicated operation. You see, I normally sit around my house all day, a lot of times in my pajamas, typing furiously on my computer and learning college type things online. Usually, the most taxing thing I'd have to do to get ready for a UPS delivery is get dressed before nine. However, yesterday, I was at my mom's house, helping my cousin make an adorable blanket for her little baby girl who is due soon. She came down from Logan, two hours away, and it was the only day she could come. The same day my camera was supposed to come, with a signature required for delivery.
Five months without a camera. The first weekday in what feels like months I'm not going to be home (this is a measure of how pathetic/college absorbed/unreliable my transportation/my life is--I don't think those slash marks strictly made grammatical sense). Camera going to be delivered. Panic.
Panic solved by David deciding he can work from home for the day.
Phew. So, here are a few of the first pictures I took with my new camera. It is seriously cool. It's a Canon 60D. I'm spoiled, spoiled, spoiled. No shots of Xander yet, but here are some of the younger three (the first few were taken at my mom's house).
Next up should be some craft and some home decor projects. . .
Five months without a camera. The first weekday in what feels like months I'm not going to be home (this is a measure of how pathetic/college absorbed/unreliable my transportation/my life is--I don't think those slash marks strictly made grammatical sense). Camera going to be delivered. Panic.
Panic solved by David deciding he can work from home for the day.
Phew. So, here are a few of the first pictures I took with my new camera. It is seriously cool. It's a Canon 60D. I'm spoiled, spoiled, spoiled. No shots of Xander yet, but here are some of the younger three (the first few were taken at my mom's house).
Next up should be some craft and some home decor projects. . .
WOOHOO! I'm excited for more posts from you. And I'm so happy you finally got your camera! Long time coming!
ReplyDeleteThose are some seriously cute kids you've got there.
ReplyDeleteGreat photos and lovely kids!