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Monday, August 02, 2010

Simply Steff I-Spy Bag Give Away!

I might be a wee bit biased in this week's give away. You see, they were made by my friend Steffani who I met forever ago while attending my 2nd of four high schools, although she didn't go to that high school. I met her through church. But that really doesn't matter, because through the miracle that is Facebook, we are still in touch, and she makes the most darling hair bows, flip flops and other girly things and I-Spy bags.

She is a mommy to three darling little girls, which is why she got started on the hair bows, and she's a proud Army wife. I admire how she makes it all work! I'm not sure I could do it.

She contacted me and offered to give away an I-Spy bag. I think these things are so fun, and she has such cute ones! I know even my 7 year old could be entertained by these (he's starting to think he is sooooo grown up).

As she says in her description:
For those who don't know what these are....there are 25 little items hidden in this bag and the object is to find each thing on the list. You would be AMAZED how quiet it can keep a child for a fairly long period of time.

She sells mostly custom orders, so check out her Facebook fan page and shoot her an email at simplysteffs @ (take out the spaces first of course) if you want one of these (and what child could resist trying to find all the different things in one of these?).

So, she's giving away one of her I-Spy bags, and the winner will choose either boy, girl or alphabet!

Super easy to enter:
1. Comment here to let me know you want to enter. You can stop there, or. . .
2. 2nd entry by becoming liking my facebook page and commenting back here on the blog that you liked Craftastical.
3. 3rd entry by tweeting or blogging or posting a status update spreading the give away news and commenting back here on the blog (only one entry by this method, although I'd love it if you did all three!).
4.  4th entry by becoming liking Simply Steff and letting us know in the comments.

That's up to three entries per person! I will draw a winner next Monday, August 9, and entries are due Sunday August 8 by 11:59 pm.

PS Today is my sister Melissa's birthday. Happy birthday, sis! Go wild and get quadruple toppings at Farrs.
I've started a new blog: Come follow my crafting adventures on my new blog. Find me at:


  1. What an awesome giveaway! I definitely need one of these for my boys!

  2. wow these are a great idea!

  3. Super cute. I heard "keep kids quiet" and knew I needed to sign up:)

  4. What a great idea!

  5. I 'like' your facebook page.

  6. I 'like' Simply Steff's FB page.

  7. Your giveaway is my FB status!

  8. I would love to win.

    I like your Craftastical FB page.

    I also like Simply Steff's FB page.

    p.s. thanks for the fun blog..

  9. Hope I win! I love your blog!

  10. If this magical bag does the things you say with keeping the children quiet then I REALLY hope I win one ;) Thanks!

  11. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Too fun! Love these! Perfect for church! I've "liked" Craftastical on FB too!

  12. christy12:26 AM

    I tweeted and liked both pages!!!

  13. My 3 year old would love this! I love the camo one! :)

  14. I love eye spy bags and would love to be entered to win one! I would def want a girl one!

  15. I "like" Craftastical on fb

  16. I "like" Simply Steff's on FB!

  17. I like Simply Steff's and Craftastical on FB, I always like your blog, you are amazing too. Great idea, of course I hope I win!!!


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