
Friday, April 30, 2010

We Are Moving, Baby!

I am so thrilled to be living above ground for the first time since Griffin was born (that's 4.5 years ago, people!). We closed on Tuesday and I'm busy moving this week. Since we started looking at house 9 months ago, this is probably the biggest UFO in my life and how cool is it that's it's going to create endless UFO for me in the future.
Anyway, I didn't get to do my project progress like I usually do, but here's some pretty photos of the blossoms in our back yard from the apple and cherry trees.

I'm in love! I love spring! More pictures to come, promise.
PS I finished my jar collection before we moved and took a picture. I totally *heart* them! Can't wait to set it all up in my new room.


  1. How exciting! Good luck with the move!

  2. Sandra A10:04 AM

    Congratulations! All the best to you and your family. Looking forward to your future pictures. God bless!

  3. That's good :) Spring is definitely in the air, as I can see with these pics. They are just so lovely :)


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