
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Share-A-Craft: More Spoons in a Shadow Box

Share-A-Craft is just as much fun as a tilt-a-whirl, but with less stomach upset and possible vomiting. Every Thursday, I post a project of any type that I've recently or not so recently done.

I thought about doing a tutorial with this, but it's so similar to my other shadow box tutorial, that I decided to share it here. I'm going to tell you basically how I did it, but it's a lot less detailed than my regular tutorials.

I had some more spoons leftover from the first shadowbox, so of course, I wanted to display them too.

I found this great frame at Savers for $1. It looks like it's supposed to be for an embroidery project, but it suits my purposes just fine. No glass, but for a $1, I'll avoid being my usual picky self.

I wanted a longer, thinner frame, so I took a rubber mallet to it and knocked off one of the 10" pieces. Then I used my husband's miter saw (that was a good present, go me for getting it for him!), and trimmed down the 8" pieces to about 6" on both sides, based on my spoon measurements. I glued it back together, and it looked like this:

Then I primed and painted. I made a back for it using a piece of chipboard, covered in two sheets of scrapbooking paper. The green is My Mind's Eye, from the Penny Lane collection and the overlay is KI Memories. I love the combination together. I attached it to the back with a little hot glue (I love this stuff!). Then I adhered the spoons with a little hot glue, added the hanging hook the frame came with, and that's it! So simple to make, but I really find it beautiful and so cheerful. Hopefully it will be hanging in my kitchen before too long.
In other kitchen utensil themed prettiness, aren't these stencils divine? My brain is going like crazy, wanting to work them into my design. We shall see. . .

1 comment:

  1. I think it presents a really nice effect, the spoons in a box. Might be good for decoration.


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