
Monday, April 12, 2010

Share-A-Craft: Aubriana's Easter Dress

Share-A-Craft is just as much fun as a tilt-a-whirl, but with less stomach upset and possible vomiting. Every Monday, I post a project of any type that I've recently or not so recently done. We'd love to see what you've been making too. Send me an email with your name and a link to your project at karah99 @ and you might end up featured.
She got blisters playing hide and seek with Grandpa while wearing her snowboots and no socks.

I was just the tiniest bit sad that General Conference (for those of you who don't know, that's an LDS meeting that is broadcast twice a year when the leaders of the church speak, there are two sessions on Saturday and two on Sunday, each two hours long and it always falls on the first weekends of April and October) fell on Easter this year. In one way, it's nice because there are such beautiful messages in General Conference, but we watch at home in our pajamas and there's not regular church meetings, so no "official" dress-wearing opportunities.

However, I decided that I was going to make Aubrey an Easter dress anyway, for her to wear around the house and to rotate into her dresses. When I looked through my fabric, I couldn't resist using the same combination I used in my reversible tunic, a combination of new and vintage fabrics from my great-grandma.

I also decided to do my own pattern, which worked out pretty well, except I wasn't great at getting the straps on just right, so they did a weird, gaping thing sometimes, but I put them in three times and I called it good enough after the third try. You can see it in this picture:

The flowers are all made from vintage fabric from my great-grandma, as is the green sash and the top. The cool thing is I didn't buy anything new for this project. Score! I really have too much stuff and any opportunity to use it up is welcome. I was the tiniest bit sad that I'm now out of that paisley bottom, which I bought new, but having made two dresses with it, I'm satisfied.

I put the flowers all on hair clips, so I can trade them out for other projects. That, and putting them on pin backs just seemed like inviting her to rip huge holes in her dress once they were pinned on.

I made two belt loops for the back to tie the sash. It zips up the back.
And after editing this photo, it was cracking me up and reminding me of something.
A cartoon character of some sort?

A morose girl with blonde pigtails?

A girl with a uni-brow? Yes, we are getting closer. A quick google search later and I figured it out.

Helga, from Hey Arnold!

Yep, that's it.


  1. She's adorable, and so is the dress. And you're right, she totally looks like Helga in that picture!

  2. Absolutely adorable dress!!! Did you use a pattern? How about a tutorial? :) please?

  3. Alison, I made up the pattern as I went, but it's pretty close to this new look one,, which is one I really like. It has the zipper on the side instead of the back and the skirt is a little more full, but it's really close. I'm so glad you like it. :)


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