
Friday, April 09, 2010

Project Progress: UFO Week 2

I got a few more things done this week. Is anyone else playing along? If so, let us know what you've finished.

First up, I finished this dress. I started it in my smocking tutorial, but never quite finished it. After sewing it up, it was too small for Aubrey, so I never completed the hem. It's seriously sad that she never wore it. I guess I need to do some more smocking and make her another one. Anyway, it's probably going to be a baby gift for whoever in the family has a girl next.

I'm a little disappointed that I didn't get more finished this week. I have the progress on two more projects to show you, but neither one is done. However, I did get one major thing done and that is school for this semester! I'm so very happy to be done for the summer. I needed a break so badly. Yesterday was my first free day and I went a little crazy with the crafty and activities with the kids. I have to say there is a lot of cool stuff coming up for the blog soon! Stuff I'm really excited to show you.

Ok, this was another project I worked on this week. Started this one ages ago, before I was married, and I'm glad to finally finish it up. I don't think I'm going to have a spot for it in the new house, so it's probably going to my sister if she wants it. I'm not sure how I feel about it quite yet. I want to finish it up and then see if I like it.

Progress before I started again:

Must warn you, the color are absolutely horrible in this photo. I have no idea why it looks like puke yellow and everything is just wrong, but it's the only photo I took. When I finish, I'll get some better photos to show you. Ones that don't make you question my sanity. Sitting the machine, with the quilting almost done:

The other project I've been working on is this sweater I started on our cruise. I had stalled in progress, but I'm back on track now.

I had the back done:

Now, I have one of the front panels done and the other one started. I had to frog the first one three times to finally get it right and it still has a few small mistakes. Oh well.

So, one more UFO to add to my count, and two more that are closer!

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