
Friday, April 02, 2010

Project Progress: UFO Week 1

You would think from the sheer amount of projects I've posted on this blog over the last however many years (I just had to go check, I've been blogging for nearly 5 years, gulp, that is craziness!), you might be tempted to think I don't have projects I don't finish. It certainly seems like I crank out projects all the time. But, as my recent organization has taught me, I like starting things a lot more than I like finishing them. I highly recommend starting a blog if you have this problem. I now finish a lot more than I used to finish.

I found a quilting project I started when David and I were first married. That's been over 8 years now. I've been hauling that thing through moves and all sorts of things. It is clearly time to have a huge UFO (unfinished object) finishing party. I've been tempted to join these on other blogs, but the timing hasn't been right. So, I'm starting one right now.

I'm not sure how long project progress will be finishing UFOs, but at least four weeks. I'd love to see if you finish up any unfinished projects with me, and when we're done, we'll have a big linking party and a prize. I don't know what the prize will be, but it will be good. I will also count it if you decide to get rid of a UFO, and by get rid of, I mean physically removing it from your possession so that you never have to think of it again. That quilting project I mentioned will probably be getting the boot from my house.

I have the teeniest head start. I finished a quilt this week (insert footage of me doing a crazy happy dance).

This one isn't that old, being three years old. I bought the fabric for it when we found out Aubriana was a girl. It has a story of why it's not finished, but I'm waiting until Monday, so I can show it off properly in the share-a-craft feature. That's why you only get to see the back for now.

It was so close to being done. Here's a before shot:

If you can't see, it needs some quilting, but the binding is already done (not the usual order). I was about half way done with it when I picked it up this week.

And, here's the back all quilted.

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