
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Xander Digital Scrapbooking Kit Freebie

New to digital scrapbooking? Never downloaded a digital kit before? What in the world are .rar files anyway? Get your answers here: How to Unzip Files So You Can Digi Scrap.

Awww, it's the last in my four part series. Maybe I need to keep going with The Kara and The David, because I had a lot of fun designing these kits for my kids.

This week has two inspirations. A while ago on Project Runway, Amy designed these pants:

Now, I'm not saying I like these pants or that I would like to own these pants or that these pants should exist in a world where you can buy perfectly sane black pants that don't do that fluttering thing, enlarge the look of your butt and turn you into a strange mermaid from the waist down, but I do like the colors together and the pattern was really inspiring.

The judges main criticism was that they were a weird color combination. Now, I can see criticizing the weird petals and too many colors, but the color scheme is your basic complimentary colors. Blue and orange are across the color wheel. This makes me wonder about the judges. Have they never studied color theory? Because I guarantee that blue/orange is one of the first ones you learn.

On the other hand, isn't that petal skirt on the girl so cute!?! I must make one for Aubrey, ASAP.

The other inspiration would be some vintage fabric, and I could throw Xander in there, for being totally adorable and sharp as a lawn mower (and nearly as loud).

I love the slightly retro feel of these papers. The blue and orange really pop. And here is my cutie, Xander. He's one of the smartest kids you will ever meet and he's super affectionate too. I did this page about how he is starting to read chapter books on his own (he's in 1st grade). I don't get it, but he really likes non-fiction. I keep thinking he'll like fantasy, but he doesn't. Of course, his favorite series is the Magic Treehouse series, because those are packed with non-fiction type information. I mean, I love some types of non-fiction, but they generally have some sort of meaningful or deeply interesting story, while Xander just wants to memorize the facts.

Kit Contents: 5 Pattern Papers, 2 Background Papers, 1 Overlay, 1 Journaling Block

(Do you see my pant-inspired paper there at the bottom? Love it!)


  1. OMG...I saw that episode of Project Runway and said the same thing...I liked the color scheme and thought the colors did go well together...then I said "they aren't scrapbookers!!"
    My son, too, is in 1st grade and is starting to read chapter books...the Magic Treehouse is one of his favorite series too, AND his name is Alexander!! He loves dinosaurs and into learning everything he can about them.
    just wanted to say thank-you for the kit and it is even more special to me because of the name.

  2. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 17 post on Apr. 01, 2010. Thanks again.


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