
Monday, February 22, 2010

Share-A-Craft: Cinderella's Castle

Share-A-Craft is just as much fun as a tilt-a-whirl, but with less stomach upset and possible vomiting. Every Monday, I post a project of any type that I've recently or not so recently done. If you want to share right back, I'd love to see what you've been making.

I mentioned in my Open House Wedding Cake post that my mom had done an incredible mural for the open house. If you're wondering where I get the patience and propensity for huge projects, you can stop wondering. It's all from my mom. We never do things by halves.

This is truly stunning. It's huge. I would guess it's 10 feet tall and 6 feet wide. You can see in this picture, how it rises up above the door. It's on a frame of PVC pipe. She projected a black line drawing on a transparency to trace the basic lines on a piece of white on white fabric. She then went over it with a sharpie marker (or rather, a series of sharpie markers). To color it, she used chalk pastels. She had a lot of fun adding details to it, like little crystals to jazz it up.

Of course, we will probably be using it at every opportunity. It's set up in the gym of our church, for my niece Maddy's 5th birthday party. So, while I'm at it, happy birthday, Maddy!

A closer shot:
I colored in a few of the turrets and helped with the sky. The cloud behind the tower is all mine. I also did the bushes, although my mom ended up touching them up a bit. I'm still claiming them.

The castle has a very subtle glitter finish. I tried to get a picture of it, and I think this is the best one. She also used gold metallic paint for some of the details.
A shot of the crystals my mom put in the sky for stars:
If I had to guess, I would think she has 30+ hours in it. I helped her for some of those hours. It was a huge hit at the party. It really almost glows with a light on it.

Aubrey, hanging out at the castle:

The rest of the party was totally cute! I was so impressed with my sister, because usually birthdays are really low-key in our family, but this party was decked out! Balloons and super cute cupcake cake and cupcakes, which were absolutely delicious. I could have easily eaten five or six, but I limited myself to two.


  1. Ooh! That is gorgeous!

  2. Sandra11:36 AM

    WOW!!! That is stunning. Now that I see one of your mom's projects, I can see why you never take the simple route. Great job! I'm sure it will be enjoyed for many things in the future.

  3. that is incredible! wow!

  4. Wow. That's uber cool!!


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