
Friday, February 19, 2010

Project Progress: Crafty Organization Week 2

Well, it took a lot longer than I was thinking to organize my papers. It's been a really long time since they were all put away all in the same way. I have a paper problem. Not only have I designed for several companies which make paper, but I also have an slight buying problem. I somehow feel more justified in buying a few sheets of paper than buying pretty embellishments or stickers. I love patterns. When I get a new piece of paper, I want to smell it and rub my face against it and love it forever. Basically, I'm like a cat with catnip.

Look! All in one spot:

It's been a long time since my papers have been all in one place, like I said. Maybe Xander was a baby and I only had a hundred sheets or so (a long, long time ago in my scrapbooking career). One reason for this is that I ran out of space in my storage and hadn't a clue what to do with all of it (read the above explanation of my paper addiction). I also had about half of them sorted by brands, in alphabetical order, but I didn't have any way to tell when one brand ended and another started, so it was a pain to put stuff away. I just don't have that kind of dedication to organization. Big surprise, right?

First, I pulled out all my papers and grouped brands together. This was mostly already done, but I had stuff that wasn't sorted (remember that large box of papers from last week?). So, I alphabetized all of that within the box, then I integrated to the ones already sorted. While I was doing that, I made some dividers out of file folders I pilfered from my mom's house--lots of them were used, which is great. Love re-purposing things. I unfolded the folders and cut off the bottoms so they would peek up through the paper, like little happy prairie dogs. I can't believe how easy it was to sort paper this way. I may actually put new paper away, although I can't imagine that I would ever need to buy another sheet. But, since when does need factor into any of my scrapbook supply buying decisions? Just about never.

Look! I can see what's where:
After that was all done, I still had to deal with my scraps. I scrapbook quite a lot from my scraps, because whole sheets of paper are nearly sacred. I feel like an executioner when I have to cut into one of those beautiful, whole sheets. I try to let go of the small ones (like less than 4x6), but the larger ones, I feel compelled to keep.

I use beat up sheet protectors to keep scraps together. I didn't actually have that many unsorted solid scraps, but I spent about 2 hours sorting the pattern paper ones. I luckily had kept the file for the labels, so I printed out another set of labels and slapped them on the front of the protectors as I came across scraps of that brand. After all that was done, I filed the page protectors with the whole sheets. I'm still not sure if I will like that system, but it works for now. I'm used to having the scraps all together, but I didn't want to make another file folder system, because it was surprisingly time-consuming to put together.

Now, I have a huge plastic bin stuffed with paper and not a clue how I'm going to do permanent storage for it all. However, since I have the actual organization done and all my paper together, that is a huge step in the right direction. I'm thinking about having David build me a huge storage system with desk space, but that is going to have to wait for now.

Since I freed up space from my "magazine" holders that used to hold pattern paper, I had enough room to sort all my full-sized sheets of cardstock. I think it looks so pretty on my shelf in color order. I think I like this for cardstock, but for pattern paper, I like to be able to flip through it more. Plus, I couldn't find any more of the holders at the scrapbook store.

Look! Cardstock is pretty:Step one is done. This next week I think I'm going to focus on my scrapbooks. I have dozens of layouts that don't have homes yet and the completed books are a bit jumbled--plus there are a few layouts here and there that need repair work. I'd love to have some company, if you need to work on the same thing!


  1. I had never thought to sort scraps by company too. Huh. I'll have to ponder...

  2. What size box is that for your paper? That looks great!

  3. The dimensions on the box are 24X15X12". It isn't really tall enough to permanently house my papers (lid won't fit), but it works for now. :)


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