
Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Um, yeah, another knit hat

I might have been neglecting some other things I'm supposed to be doing to do more knitting. I don't have a project lined up, so maybe I will take a break and finish a kit or something.

I had to show you my most recent hat. I love the swirly design. I got the pattern from a blog (Hurricane Hat Pattern), and it is so fab! Love it. I was a little worried, because I haven't done too much knitting from other people's patterns, but I'm slowly learning to read them. It was tough, because I added the stripes. I started out with just the pink wool, but then it looked like cheap acrylic yarn and I got confused on a few stitches, so I decided to frog it back to the ribbing and try it with the stripes. That was David's brilliant suggestion and I adore the way it turned out. It's a bit of a challenging pattern, because it is not at all forgiving. You have to make each stitch perfectly, or it's going to show up. I wish the pictures showed it a bit more, but the purl stitches in the middle of the gray stripe continue in a swirling pattern to the center. After a few lesser frogging episodes (you know, taking out two or three inches instead of 5), I finally finished. I'm happy I will have a hat I made myself to wear on the way taking the kids to school--it is very cold at 8:00 in the morning, but I don't think I'm going to be repeating this pattern again anytime soon.


  1. Oh how I love this design!! It's FABULOUS!!

  2. Oooh this one is AWESOME!!

  3. I think I commented on this on Facebook, but I'll say it again...This is so cool!!

  4. whoa- that swirl is SO cool!


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