
Monday, January 25, 2010

A Hat and a Shawl

I have a few more yarn projects to show you. I really should post some more variety, but besides school, it's all I've been doing lately.

I made Maxton a hat from this pattern, Knotty but Nice. I made a few mistakes and even dropped a few stitches, which I've never done before. However, you can't really tell so I didn't frog back. This is my 2nd cabled project. My first is mostly done, just waiting for some fabric flowers before I show it off.

I pretty much followed the pattern until the decreases, which I did a little differently. Maxton loves it and thinks its soft, even though it's wool, which is pretty much a miracle.

My 2nd project is a small shawl, which I like to wrap around my neck, sort of cowl style. It's crochet, which was a fun diversion from all the knitting I've been doing, and it is based on this pattern, My Blue Jeans Shawl. I had a terrible time interpreting the written pattern, because I would always forget where I was in the sequence, so I charted this one out too, with a few small changes. I'm sharing the chart with you, in case anyone wants to try it. You can add as many pattern repeats as you want.

Incidentally, I love the first picture. I think it's my new favorite shot of myself (Thanks, Mom!). I've been slowly loosing weight a bit, so it's nice to see my face a little leaner. The brooch is one I inherited from my Grandma Jensen and I finally figured out how to wear it, which makes me happy.



  1. Purdy!

    Hey, I had a Grandma Jensen, too.

  2. Hi, I just stumbled across your blog while looking for digital scrap freebies and I just have to tell you that it is amazing! You are so creative & talented and your kids are adorable. I have 3 boys (under the age of 4) and we're hoping to add to our family this year...while I love every minute of it, you make it look too easy! Thanks for the freebies, you have a new follower :)

  3. OOH i love the shawl! How cute is that! Love the hat too. And your son is a cutie!

    Why don't you link your post at

    It's Craft Project Thursday where everyone links to there project post!

  4. Love the new projects. And, you look fantastic in that new picture. Oo la la!! :)


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