Sorry I'm posting this so late on Friday. I've been not feeling too great the past few days--migraines and cramps and feeling so tired and run-down. I spent most of the day today in bed, trying to nap. It's not easy to parent and nap at the same time. Sometimes I'm more successful than others. Yelling from bed isn't the best discipline technique.
Anyway, I dragged myself out of bed this afternoon and took these pictures. Quilt is done! Plus, I sewed two skirts for Aubrey this week. Super productive and my list is getting shorter! I start school Sept 10, so we will see what I can get done this next week. Xander starts school on Thursday (Maxton starts a week later), so I will have a little overlap where they will be gone and I haven't started yet.

The back of the quilt with my "creative" piecing to make it the right size:

A close up of the quilting. I really have got to start planning these things better. This was a very time consuming way to do it.

A skirt I sewed up after I couldn't stand quilting for one more second:

Plus, a bubble skirt:

It's a bit big, but I love it! Aubrey loves it too, especially the butterflies.

I'm thinking of selling the pattern on etsy, but we'll see if I can get it together enough.
Anyway, I can't wait to see what I finish next week.
I've started a new blog: Come follow my crafting adventures on my new blog. Find me at:
Yay for finished projects! The quilt is gorgeous and the skirts too cute!