So, we get to the luncheon after the ceremony and the pictures. It was so cutely decorated. Loved especially this tower of preservatives and cream:

And of course, because this is the day of crazy, Aubrey pukes all over the stage. Twice. Then we clean her up as best we can, put her in a shirt-dress improvised from an extra shirt I brought for the boys, which she pukes on while on the way out to the car, all over the shirt. I needed to stay to take photos at the reception, so David loaded up all the kids and took them home. I got to ride home with my parent's, sandwitched between my two brothers who are over 6 feet tall, instead of in the front passenger seat of my room van. Joy. Although it was awesome to spend some time with my parents and my brothers, even if Ty spent most of the ride home drooling on me and reminding me that my shoulders are made of bone.

I was wrong.
First of all, I tried to get the photos off my camera. The laptop doesn't have the camera driver installed, but I knew I had a card reader on the laptop. I couldn't get them off of my camera, so I looked around for the card reader. Not the card reader I needed. Oh well, I'll just download my driver from Canon's website. Wait, no wireless signal. Ok, find Connie's jack for internet and plug it into my computer. Find Canon's website. Can't find right driver. Try to dowload what looks like driver. 30 minutes later. Not working. Try googling how to install driver, still not working. I didn't bring up my disk because I figured I could always use the card reader. Download something else. Not working. Try something else. Still not working.
Ok, by this time it is getting close to when we need to leave for the reception, so I take my memory card to Costco. I bring the camera, but leave the battery at home. I stick in my memory card. They won't show up. I shot every last photo in RAW and Costco can't convert the files. I think briefly that I may be able to do it on my camera (which was wrong), but guess what? I've left the battery at Connie's to charge for the reception photos. The universe is against me. This is reaching the tragic proportions of Hamlet or Edipus, my tragic flaw being that I put my trust in technology. The poor guy at Costco got to hear my entire camera story. I knew just how he felt. He was smiling and nodding.
I go back to Connie's and try to get them off my camera. Still no luck. At that point, I give up. The good thing about this is that I spent all afternoon trying to get pictures off my camera instead of lugging around tables and chairs to set up the reception.
Another bad side effect is that I planned to delete my card after putting the photos onto the computer. I'm a bit tight for room on there now.
We head off to the reception and on the way there, we see this sign:

It was a wonderful day and the best thing of all was seeing my beautiful aunt so happy. She looked angelic. Funny side story, I was showing Aubriana pictures on my blog the other night and she was naming each thing in the picture and when I got to the bridal photos, she pauses and looks for a minute before declaring them "princess."
If I could have printed one, I might have picked one of these:

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I just came over from 2 peas. I have to say I live right by Kirt's drive inn.