I don't know why I decided to do this. Probably because I didn't take a lot of pictures last year. So, Melissa and I are taking a photo a day and then we are going to find an easy and efficient way to scrapbook them. I thought I'd share week one with you all, plus get the journaling out of the way. I am missing one day; I need to get a picture of Melissa in her hat I crocheted for her.

Jan 1: I can't think of a better way to start out the year than this little girl's smile. We had a laid back kind of New Year's Day. Aubrey wore her new shirt she got for Christmas. David played games with the family left from the party last night, then we headed off to the store. I, of course, wanted some new yarn for the new year. Here's to a new beginning!

Jan 2: I thought it would be fun if we played Go Fish with the kids. They love card games, and we rarely play with them. So, I gathered Maxton, Xander, David and Griffin and we used the Rook cards to play Go Fish. Griffin was on my "team." He diligently tried to show my cards to everyone, probably trying to level the playing field, because I regularly saw Maxton's and Xander's cards. Whoops!

Jan 3: Angie thought of a fun game for our party on New Year's Eve. She had everyone take goofy/ugly pictures and then we voted on the worst. I was surprised to see almost this exact face from Griffin up on the big screen (I hadn't realized Angie had taken pics of my kids), and since he had already gone to bed, I knew I needed this precious face for my own. Today I finally got around to getting Griff to do it. Just for the record, Griff didn't win, but I am apparently married to the ugliest guy at the party.

Jan 5: David was watching the old Superman movies with the boys this Sunday, and Aubrey thought it would be the perfect opportunity to grab her blanket (actually, it's Griffin's, but she steals it all the time) and her binki to snatch a snuggle session with Daddy. David says she crawled up and it arranged herself without his help. She looks so cute and cuddley! When is it my turn?

Jan 6: See previous post. ;)

Jan 7: Today Melissa came over to scrapbook. She brough Carl's Jr, so who was I to argue with her? We had a great time scrapbooking and goofing around. I got a migraine and before my meds kicked in, I was apparently pretty loopy and very intertaining, right Sis? Anyway, Miles was being so totally cute that I had to get this picture of them together. He loves to point and oo and ahh at things. He's getting so big! I love the messy face too, courtesy of Aubrey snatching chocolate from our stash on the table and sharing. Am I raising great kids, or what?
I've started a new blog: Come follow my crafting adventures on my new blog. Find me at: creativeirony.com.
I like Xander's middle name! That poster looks like a scrapbook page!
ReplyDeleteUm, LOVE THIS! And you need to send me at least a couple of those pictures you took of Miles and me. That was a fun day!
ReplyDeleteare you SURE your Aubrianna is ALLOWED to be that old? correct my spelling on her name...sorry...She is such a cutie!