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Monday, August 25, 2008

That was NOT how I was planning on doing it.

Xander started Kindergarten today. I've been planning all morning to have plenty of time for pictures and goodbyes and all that. Well, I look on the schedule about 45 minutes before school is to start to see when they are supposed to get out. Then I start freaking out, because Monday is early out day, so Kindergarten starts 30 minutes before the usual start time. It was a dang good thing I wasn't procrastinating and Xander was basically ready to go. I grabbed the camera, took a few shots, then hustled everyone into the car to take him. I was letting them out the side door and there was some pushing and Xander had his leg stuck in between the floor of the car and the sliding door, and my camera dropped off my shoulder. I didn't get a chance to see if it was damaged, as I was focused on getting him to class on time. I herd the kids towards the door, then manage to get Xander inside to his class, but without hardly any goodbye at all, because I'm still wrestling the other three. Then I turn around to leave and Griffin has disappeared. He went into class with Xander! So, I get them outside, then turn around and Griffin is refusing to leave. He wants to stay. So, I manage to get him going by bribery (at this point, perfect parenting is low on my list), and then I check on my camera. The filter is completely shattered and the lens won't work. I thought I would cry about him going to school, instead I feel like crying over my camera. It was my expensive lens and I'm hoping that it can be repaired.

And to top it all off, I forgot to get Xander anything to eat. Hopefully he can hang on until 1:15. This is so not the lesiurly, idealistic beginning I was envisioning.

Anyway, here are the shots of Xander from my beautiful and now broken camera.
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  1. Oh my word! Beautiful shots! He is so big! :) I remember the day you brought him into brother B.'s poetry class when he was a few days old and you sat on a doughnut thingy...

    I am sorry to hear about your camera. I hope it can be fixed without too much trouble. :) Things very rarely turn out as we plan, and it makes for great scrapbook journaling. :) Take Care!

  2. Well, the pictures turned out great anyway :) What a big boy!! Its a whole new life when they start school,, but its good. That sucks about your camera!!!


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