Follow My New Blog

I've started a new blog. Follow my crafting adventures on

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
I've started a new blog: Come follow my crafting adventures on my new blog. Find me at:


  1. Congrats Kara! I'm really happy for you. I'm hoping my little bean is a boy, but I know you have your fair share of testosterone around the house. I am definitely looking forward to your girly layouts!!! Love ya!

  2. cute!! I love that photo! Congrats on the baby girl!


  3. Congrats!!! It must be so cool to finally know! And Chris is right, very cool photo you did!

  4. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Congrats on the baby being a girl! :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Oh my! Oh dear! That's my baby girl, looking so much like a woman now. Can it really be true? Are you really that grown up? Feeling a little like Tevye upon looking at that picture. Any minute now, gonna break into song, "Sunrise, sunset, sunrise, sunset..." You're beautiful, my dear.


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