--Figure out what I really like and who I really am as a scrapper
--Find a mentor who can give me some constructive criticism
--Continue to do my best
--Only scrap my best photos--the rest can go in regular photo albums
--Focus on the stories and telling the stories as a whole with each element of the layout
--Polish--work on polish
--Not post everything the second I finish it. I need to have a "Book of Ten" as my friend Torm says. 10 great layouts I can use for contests and are in rotation as I design ones I like better
Anyways, enough of that. I thought it might be fun to post some photos of my scrap space. I have a great storage system, although I don't utilize it nearly enough. See how there's not even room to put a layout down on my desk. Yeah, need to clean it.

This is my storage for paper and embellishments. Anything alphbet is in one of the Iris containers. Then the two towers on the bottom are embellishments sorted by color. Love this system, although I have way too much blue stuff. Need to get rid of some of it. I also need to get rid of a bunch of paper--it's taking over! The top tower is projects, photos, mini album supplies and page kits.

This is my desk area. Love the way it is set up. There's a little drawer thingy for often used tools and when I go to a crop, I can just stick it in my bag and know I have everything. The larger container has stamping supplies. There are also various things in the drawers of the desk. The file cabinet is not scrapping stuff, just so you know. Sewing machine is tucked underneath for easy access (also easy access for Maxton--I have to get him away from it like three times a day! Ug.)

The towers on the other side of my desk. They have things like pencils, punches, adhesives, paints, that sort of thing. And yes, I do need that big of a trash can. It gets full quite often.
I took the photos over by the computer desk.
So, I've been scrapping like a crazy woman. All my stuff is posted at 2peas (also some of my HOF entry--eventually it will all be up). Here's a link if you want to check it out. Been doing a lot of digital lately.
I've started a new blog: Come follow my crafting adventures on my new blog. Find me at: creativeirony.com.
Awesome room you got there Kara. I just moved mine from my room to our dining room, I like it because it looks so organized, but it's a PITB that aidan likes it too lol, he gets into everything if I leave the area. Oh well just a little over a month and we will be outta here so no biggie, maybe than I will get my own room ;)